The Resistance Has Begun!

One does not simply say that being neurodivergent is a life-long battle. One creates an image that expresses it in humorous terms - Like above.



Neurodivergents, assemble!

A seemingly unstoppable force of confusion threatens to halt creative progress! The wheels turn, the ideas pour out - And then they seem to stall and sit, languishing. Soon, time has passed, and you’ve accomplished nothing. And you wonder why? Why can’t you accomplish what you see others doing?

Well, no more. We have a motto in the resistance: No idea left behind.

I’m Vincent Hase, and I’m standing in the gap. I’ve got my keyboard, microphone, video camera, caffeinated beverage, and unconventional thinking to transform neurodivergence from an adversary into an ally.

Here you will see the fruits of my labor, learn about upcoming projects, see the bumps in the road as I attempt to make good on my promise to create ridiculously entertaining things - And then see some of the entertaining things, of course. They’ll be here. Promise.

But I can’t do it alone, Citizen. I want YOU to join me in the fight!

Mission Parameters

Here is what you will find within these digital walls (eventually, weather permitting):

  • Engaging Science Fiction (with occasional Fantasy sprinkles): Sneak peeks into my novels where humor meets adventure and heroes might get distracted by shiny objects mid-quest.

  • Short fiction and humor just for this community. Because you’re worth it.

  • Behind Enemy Lines Reports: Raw, honest insights into creating as a neurodivergent member of the planet.

  • Tactical Intelligence: Strategies for turning your ‘different’ brain into your secret weapon.

  • Victory Bulletins: Regular updates in my seemingly eternal battle of Focus vs. Distraction

  • The First Story From The Worlds Of Lance Zoom (pdf or ePub):

Current Status

I'm actively writing novels and short stories where adventure meets absurdity, as well as documenting my journey of turning ADHD chaos into pure creative gold. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join me on this adventure.

Red Alert!

Yes, as with many accounts on Substack, there will be a paid tier. But here’s the deal: The creative stuff is always public, along with some of my general thoughts about life and the writing process. The paid tier will be for those who want to support the cause, or who want to “go deeper” in three ways:

  1. OPERATION: DEEP DIVE. Articles about my writing. Bits of things I’m working on. Early looks at chapters, stories, cover art, etc. My experiences getting things published. My setbacks and workarounds as a creative with ADHD. You learn as I learn, and your opinions are welcome!

  2. OPERATION: FREQUENCIES OPEN. The chat community is open to the paid subscribers (everyone would be nice - but then you get that odd, unrequested advertising bot-type radio noise). Who knows what we’ll talk about? I don’t (yet), but we’ll figure out what’s really needed.

  3. OPERATION: REAL PROGRESS. Want to get things done? Subscribers can join the live weekly work parties: An hour together working on whatever you want to move forward on. Are you writing? Recording? Cleaning the house? Technically this is called an accountability group, but that name just isn’t as much fun.

Why Join Our Forces?

Because you want to learn about your own ADHD and fight the forces of distraction. Or you just like to read funny things. What a coincidence, I write funny things. Welcome!

Be sure to subscribe and:

  • Get access to stories that'll make you laugh, make you think, and make you wonder if you left the oven on.

  • Join a community that gets it. Whatever it happens to be on any given day.

  • Learn to weaponize your randomness, and unleash it on others.

  • Support an independent, neurodivergent creative, who may not always be working on a million-dollar bestseller, but is striving to whip-up stuff that’s more than worth your time.

  • Never miss an update. Because people with ADHD experience time differently, and you will NEVER know when something amazing is about to drop unless you subscribe.

Government Required Warnings

Side effects may include:

  • Humor that shows up out of left field. Sometimes right field, but mostly left field. After all, I’m left-handed - Which has nothing to do with the phrase “out of left field,” but now, unfortunately, I have the word ‘left’ stuck in my head.

  • Increased creative confidence, along with the urge to start seventeen projects at once.

  • Increased levels of humor and joy, which right now, are very much needed in this world.

  • A strange, comforting sense of belonging for both those who wish to create projects, as well as those who wish to experience projects.

  • The realization that different isn't just okay - it's awesome. For all of us.

  • Left. I told you it was stuck in my head.

How to Proceed from here

  • Hit the subscribe button. Look around; you’ll find it here somewhere. I was typing pretty fast, and may have passed it on the way to this sentence. I wasn’t really paying attention.

  • Tell your other neurodivergent warriors about the cause. You either know some, are related to some, or both (It’s a statistics thing - I looked it up).

  • Share and comment. Because unrelated tangents make happy creative accidents - That was lesson one. See? You’ve learned something already.

  • And please, for the love of all that is holy, help me find my car keys. I know they're around here somewhere. I swear I saw them last week. My wife is going to kill me…

Join me, and know that you are not alone in the fight against the powers of confusion.

Better yet, Join me and let •ME• know that •I’m• not alone in the fight against the powers of confusion - I am quite insecure for the leader of a revolution, and count on your unsolicited support for validation. 🙂

The key to Vince Hase Vs. The ADHD is COMMUNITY.

Soldier! Are you in, or are you out?

Subscribe to Vince Hase Vs. The ADHD

ATTENTION, CITIZENS! An unstoppable force of creative confusion threatens to halt your progress! But fear not: Armed with a keyboard, caffeine, and unconventional thinking, Vince works to transform neurodivergence from adversary to ally. And you can, too!


Sci-fi/fantasy author wielding ADHD as my superpower. Stories where humor meets adventure and heroes save worlds. Join me as I transform neurodivergence into creativity, and inspire others to do the same! Also looking for my car keys...